Sunday 16 September 2012


Vertigo is one of the films we are looking at for are collective identity project. We are mostly looking at how women are presented in this film as Alfred Hitchcock the director was typically known for stereotyping women into his ideal women. 

This is the background of the film I found out from the IMBD:

  • Made in : 1958
  • Genre : Mystery, Romance, Thriller
  • Director : Alfred Hitchcock
  • Country : USA
  • Release Date : 21 July 1958
  • Budget : $2,479,000
  • Grossed : $ 25,000,000
  • Run Time : 128 minutes
  • Continuity : The ice cubes in Gavin and Scottie's drinks disappear  
Opening sequence

I thought the opening sequence of Vertigo was very dramatic and striking, it definitely caught my attention. It starts with an extreme close up of a womens lips in black and white, this itself is a very dramatic camera shot. The music is also striking and flows with the opening it creates a worried and curious sense to the film. The close up flows the womens face up to her eys wear she looks slightly worried looking back and forth. 

The extremem close up them zooms more in to a single eye, then the screen turning a red colour. possibly showing a sign of danger and warning but also showing the wide use of colours Alfred Hitchock uses in the this film. A swirl appear in the pupil of the eye and I beieve this is the represent the films title 'Vertigo' as it means a condition in which somebody feels a sensation of whirling or titling that causes a loss of balance. 

The eye disappers and the swirl is left it starts to get bigger and bigger, changing shape, colour. I think this creates a visual effect of vertigo but it seems dangerous as if there is going to be a hazard. 

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